

Image-Based Registration of 3D-Range Data Using Feature Surface Elements

14 years 9 months ago
Image-Based Registration of 3D-Range Data Using Feature Surface Elements
Digitizing real-life objects via range scanners, stereo vision or tactile sensors usually requires the composition of multiple range images. In this paper we exploit intensity images often recorded with the range data and propose a fully automatic registration technique using 2D-image features with intrinsic scale information for finding corresponding points on the 3D-views. In our approach, the fine registration of two range images is performed by first aligning the feature points themselves, followed by a so-called constrained-domain alignment step. In the latter, rather than feature points, we consider feature surface elements that are derived using the scale information inherently established with the 2D-features. The global registration error is minimized using graph relaxation techniques to mediate the transformations required to align the multiple range images. We demonstrate the power and feasibility of our method by a case-study in the cultural heritage domain. Categories ...
Gerhard H. Bendels, Patrick Degener, Roland Wahl,
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where VAST
Authors Gerhard H. Bendels, Patrick Degener, Roland Wahl, Marcel Körtgen, Reinhard Klein
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