The growing popularity of inexpensive, portable recording devices, such as cellular phone cameras and compact digital audio recorders, presents a significant new threat to privacy. We propose a set of technologies that can be integrated into recording devices to provide stronger, more accurately targeted privacy protections than other legal and technical measures now under consideration. Our design is based on an informed consent principle, which it supports by the use of novel devices and protocols that automate negotiations over consent and ensure appropriate safeguards on recorded data. We define the protocols needed for this purpose and establish their security. We also describe a working prototype implementation that safeguards audio recorded by laptop PCs in a wireless network. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.4.1 [Computers and Society]: Public policy issues— privacy General Terms Algorithms, security, human factors, legal aspects Keywords Privacy, recording devices, ca...
J. Alex Halderman, Brent R. Waters, Edward W. Felt