

The Joy of SAX

14 years 5 months ago
The Joy of SAX
Most current XQuery implementations require that all XML data reside in memory in one form or another before they start processing the data. This is unacceptable for large XML documents. The only event-based techniques that do not require the materialization of all data in memory are based on transducers. Transducers use SAX events to evaluate XPath queries using finite state machines. SAX allows parsing and processing of XML documents in a stream fashion, but is hard to use even for simple tasks since it leaves the burden to the programmer to maintain and propagate the state between events. As is well known to people who have written non-trivial SAX event handlers, SAX can be used effectively under a disciplined use of pipes made out of SAX event handlers, where a producer object sends SAX events to a consumer object, which in turn becomes the producer for the next consumer, etc, thus forming a pipe. In this paper, I present an event-based XQuery interpreter, called XStreamQuery, b...
Leonidas Fegaras
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Leonidas Fegaras
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