

Secure Conjunctive Keyword Search over Encrypted Data

14 years 8 months ago
Secure Conjunctive Keyword Search over Encrypted Data
Abstract. We study the setting in which a user stores encrypted documents (e.g. e-mails) on an untrusted server. In order to retrieve documents satisfying a certain search criterion, the user gives the server a capability that allows the server to identify exactly those documents. Work in this area has largely focused on search criteria consisting of a single keyword. If the user is actually interested in documents containing each of several keywords (conjunctive keyword search) the user must either give the server capabilities for each of the keywords individually and rely on an intersection calculation (by either the server or the user) to determine the correct set of documents, or alternatively, the user may store additional information on the server to facilitate such searches. Neither solution is desirable; the former enables the server to learn which documents match each individual keyword of the conjunctive search and the latter results in exponential storage if the user allows ...
Philippe Golle, Jessica Staddon, Brent R. Waters
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ACNS
Authors Philippe Golle, Jessica Staddon, Brent R. Waters
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