

A Categorical Annotation Scheme for Emotion in the Linguistic Content of Dialogue

14 years 7 months ago
A Categorical Annotation Scheme for Emotion in the Linguistic Content of Dialogue
Abstract. If we wish to implement dialogue systems which express emotion, dialogue corpora annotated for emotion would be a valuable resource. In order to develop such corpora we require a reliable annotation scheme. Here we describe an annotation scheme for emotion in dialogue using categorical labels to complement previous work using dimensional scales. The most difficult challenge in developing such a scheme is selecting the categories of emotions that will yield the most expressive yet reliable scheme. We apply a novel approach, using a genetic algorithm to identify the appropriate categories. There is increasing recognition of a need to incorporate an understanding of emotion into dialogue systems, since this understanding can greatly enhance their performance. For example, artificial communicative agents can be made to converse more naturally and appear more engaging by having characters behave emotionally [1, 2]. For gaining an understanding of the relationship between emotion ...
Richard Craggs, Mary McGee Wood
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ADS
Authors Richard Craggs, Mary McGee Wood
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