

Experiences with an Emotional Sales Agent

14 years 8 months ago
Experiences with an Emotional Sales Agent
With COSIMAB2B we demonstrate a prototype of a complex and visionary e-procurement application. The embodied character agent named COSIMA is able to respect a customer's preferences and deals with him or her via natural speech. She expresses various emotions via mimic, gesture, combined with speech synthesis, and COSIMA is even able to consider the customer's emotions via mimic recognition. As first observations show, this is a very promising approach to improve the bargaining with the customer or the recommendation of products.
Stefan Fischer 0003, Sven Döring, Matthias Wi
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ADS
Authors Stefan Fischer 0003, Sven Döring, Matthias Wimmer, Antonia Krummheuer
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