

Generic Exception Handling and the Java Monad

14 years 8 months ago
Generic Exception Handling and the Java Monad
We develop an equational definition of exception monads that characterizes Moggi’s exception monad transformer. This axiomatization is then used to define an extension of previously described monadindependent computational logics by abnormal termination. Instantiating this generic formalism with the Java monad used in the LOOP project yields in particular the known Hoare calculi with abnormal termination and JML’s method specifications; this opens up the possibility of extending these formalisms by hitherto missing computational features such as I/O and nondeterminism.
Lutz Schröder, Till Mossakowski
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Lutz Schröder, Till Mossakowski
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