

A Method to Solve Cyclotomic Norm Equations

14 years 8 months ago
A Method to Solve Cyclotomic Norm Equations
We present a technique to recover f ∈ Q(ζp) where ζp is a primitive pth root of unity for a prime p, given its norm g = f ∗ ¯f in the totally real field Q(ζp + ζ−1 p ). The classical method of solving this problem involves finding generators of principal ideals by enumerating the whole class group associated with Q(ζp), but this approach quickly becomes infeasible as p increases. The apparent hardness of this problem has led several authors to suggest the problem as one suitable for cryptography. We describe a technique which avoids enumerating the class group, and instead recovers f by factoring Nf , the absolute norm of f, (for example with a subexponential sieve algorithm), and then running the Gentry-Szydlo polynomial time algorithm for a number of candidates. The algorithm has been tested with an implementation in PARI.
Nick Howgrave-Graham, Michael Szydlo
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ANTS
Authors Nick Howgrave-Graham, Michael Szydlo
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