

Template-Based Runtime Invalidation for Database-Generated Web Contents

14 years 8 months ago
Template-Based Runtime Invalidation for Database-Generated Web Contents
We propose a template-based runtime invalidation approach for maintaining cache consistency in database-generated web contents. In our approach, the invalidator sits between a web cache and a database server and intercepts the query statements as well as the update statements transparently. Moreover, it maintains templates for queries and updates, as well as a mapping between URLs and SQL queries. At runtime, the invalidator checks an update statement against the query statements, whose corresponding HTML fragments have been cached, and decides on if any cached HTML fragments should be invalidated based on an extended satisfiability testing algorithm without sending any polling queries to the backend database. We further improve the efficiency of this checking process by utilizing the semantic information of the templates. We have integrated our invalidator with the Oracle Web Cache and have conducted extensive experiments using the TPC-W benchmark. Our results show that this approach...
Chun Yi Choi, Qiong Luo
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Chun Yi Choi, Qiong Luo
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