As of today no solely software-based solution that a priori protects the computation of any mobile code and/or mobile agent was presented. Furthermore, Algesheimer et al. [1], argue that minimal trust in a third party is essential for the protection of mobile entities. This paper shows that under very mild assumptions, there exists a software-only based solution that can protect any computation of mobile entities in polynomial time bound systems, and without relaying on the minimal trust requirement. A novel Remote Distributed Scheme, called RDS, is described. RDS is based on fault-tolerant and modest cryptographic techniques and supports an a priori protection of any mobile computation that is carried in an honest-but-curious environment (“trusted entities”). We next show, by using on probabilistic techniques, that RDS provides an a priori protection for any mobile computation, in any environment, and for any required level of secrecy. We also prove that RDS equivalents, and by t...