

Facing Document-Provider Heterogeneity in Knowledge Portals

14 years 8 months ago
Facing Document-Provider Heterogeneity in Knowledge Portals
Knowledge portals aim at facilitating the location, sharing and dissemination of information by sitting ontologies at the core of the system. For heterogeneous environments where content-providers are free to deliver the content in any format, mechanisms are required that extract and lift these content sources onto a common ontology model. This paper focuses on document providers where diversity stems from either the metadata vocabulary or the metadata location mechanism used. The ontology repository should be isolated from this heterogeneity. To this end, a rule-based approach is presented where rules encapsulate the specificities of each provider. The paper presents a working system where JENA, WebDAV, and QuickRules realise the knowledge portal, the resource repository and the rule component, respectively. Rules are given for PDF, WORD and OpenOffice resources.
Jon Iturrioz, Oscar Díaz, Sergio Fern&aacut
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Jon Iturrioz, Oscar Díaz, Sergio Fernández Anzuola
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