

Keeping Control of Reusable Components

14 years 8 months ago
Keeping Control of Reusable Components
Development and deployment via components offers the possibility of prolific software reuse. However, to achieve this potential in a component-rich environment, it is necessary to recognize that component deployment (and subsequent composition) is closer to a continual process than a one-off operation. This is due to the requirement that newly-evolved components need to replace their ancestors in a timely and efficient manner at the client deployment sites. Modern runtime systems which employ dynamic link-loading mechanisms can permit such dynamic evolution. We review the capabilities of several alternative runtime environments to establish some requirements for dynamic evolution. Then we describe a tool designed to support developers and administrators in the migration of component updates within the Microsoft .NET framework.
Susan Eisenbach, Dilek Kayhan, Chris Sadler
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CD
Authors Susan Eisenbach, Dilek Kayhan, Chris Sadler
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