

SpamGuru: An Enterprise Anti-Spam Filtering System

14 years 7 months ago
SpamGuru: An Enterprise Anti-Spam Filtering System
Spam-reduction techniques have developed rapidly over the last few years, as spam volumes have increased. We believe that no one anti-spam solution is the “right” answer, and that the best approach is a multifaceted one, combining various forms of filtering with infrastructure changes, financial changes, legal recourse, and more, to provide a stronger barrier to spam than can be achieved with one solution alone. SpamGuru addresses the part of this multi-faceted approach that can be handled by technology on the recipient’s side, using plug-in tokenizers and parsers, plug-in classification modules, and machine-learning techniques to achieve high hit rates and low false-positive rates.
Richard Segal, Jason Crawford, Jeffrey O. Kephart,
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CEAS
Authors Richard Segal, Jason Crawford, Jeffrey O. Kephart, Barry Leiba
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