

Soft clustering criterion functions for partitional document clustering: a summary of results

14 years 8 months ago
Soft clustering criterion functions for partitional document clustering: a summary of results
Recently published studies have shown that partitional clustering algorithms that optimize certain criterion functions, which measure key aspects of inter- and intra-cluster similarity, are very effective in producing hard clustering solutions for document datasets and outperform traditional partitional and agglomerative algorithms. In this paper we study the extent to which these criterion functions can be modified to include soft membership functions and whether or not the resulting soft clustering algorithms can further improve the clustering solutions. Specifically, we focus on four of these hard criterion functions, derive their soft-clustering extensions, and present an experimental evaluation involving twelve different datasets. Our results show that introducing softness into the criterion functions tends to lead to better clustering results for most datasets. Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.5.3 Clustering, Algorithms. General Terms: Algorithms, Experimentation.
Ying Zhao, George Karypis
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CIKM
Authors Ying Zhao, George Karypis
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