

Multiple Relaxations in Temporal Planning

14 years 8 months ago
Multiple Relaxations in Temporal Planning
CRIKEY is a planner that separates out the scheduling from the classical parts of temporal planning. This can be seen as a relaxation of the temporal information during the classical planning phase. Relaxations in planning are used to guide the search. However, the quality of the relaxation greatly affects the performance of the planner, and in some cases can lead the search into a dead end. This can happen whilst separating out the planning and scheduling problems, leading to the production of an unschedulable plan. CRIKEY can detect these cases and change the relaxation accordingly. 1 CRIKEY CRIKEY is a planner that uses relaxations to solve temporal planning problems. By successively reducing the complexity of the problem, the solutions to these relaxed problems are used to either guide the search for the unrelaxed version, or as a skeleton solution, round which a full solution can be built. CRIKEY performs forward heuristic search and can cope with metric and temporal domains and i...
Keith Halsey, Derek Long, Maria Fox
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ECAI
Authors Keith Halsey, Derek Long, Maria Fox
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