

An Integrated Framework for Analyzing Domestic and International Digital Divides

14 years 8 months ago
An Integrated Framework for Analyzing Domestic and International Digital Divides
Digital divides have become an important issue that attracts a great attention of almost every country in the world and major international organizations. However, few or none of the previous researches have taken into account both domestic and international digital divide issues at the same time and offered an integrated view to structurally illustrate these issues from various aspects. The goal of this paper is to propose an integrated framework for assessing and analyzing domestic and international digital divides of a country or a group of countries. Situations of digital divides in Taiwan, three other industrialized economies in southeastern Asia, and four northern European countries are examined and compared based on the framework. Related e-government strategies for bridging the divides are also discussed.
Chien-Chih Yu, Hsing-I Wang
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where EGOV
Authors Chien-Chih Yu, Hsing-I Wang
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