

Path Decomposition Under a New Cost Measure with Applications to Optical Network Design

14 years 8 months ago
Path Decomposition Under a New Cost Measure with Applications to Optical Network Design
We introduce a problem directly inspired by its application to DWDM (dense wavelength division multiplexing) network design. We are given a set of demands to be carried over a network. Our goal is to choose a route for each demand and to decompose the network into a collection of edge-disjoint simple paths. These paths are called optical line systems. The cost of routing one unit of demand is the number of line systems with which the demand route overlaps; our design objective is to minimize the total cost over all demands. This cost metric is motivated by the need to minimize O-E-O (optical-electrical-optical) conversions in optical transmission. For given line systems, it is easy to find the optimal demand routes. On the other hand, for given demand routes designing the optimal line systems can be NP-hard. We first present a 2-approximation forgeneralnetworktopologies.Asopticalnetworksoftenhavelownodedegrees,weofferanalgorithm that finds the optimal solution for the special case i...
Elliot Anshelevich, Lisa Zhang
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ESA
Authors Elliot Anshelevich, Lisa Zhang
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