

Pseudonym Generation Scheme for Ad-Hoc Group Communication Based on IDH

14 years 8 months ago
Pseudonym Generation Scheme for Ad-Hoc Group Communication Based on IDH
In this paper we describe the advantages of using iterative Diffie-Hellman (IDH) key trees for mobile ad-hoc group communication. We focus on the Treebased Group Diffie-Hellman (TGDH) protocol suite, that consists of group key agreement protocols based on IDH key trees. Furthermore, we consider the anonymity of members during group communication over a public broadcast channel that provides untraceability of messages. The main goal of the proposed pseudonym generation scheme is to allow group members to generate their own pseudonyms that can be linked to their real identities only by a democratic decision of some interacting group members. The real identities are bound to public keys used in the group key agreement. The communication and computation costs as well as the security of the scheme can be optimized with respect to the characteristics of involved mobile devices.
Mark Manulis, Jörg Schwenk
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ESAS
Authors Mark Manulis, Jörg Schwenk
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