

Towards a Theory of Data Entanglement: (Extended Abstract)

14 years 8 months ago
Towards a Theory of Data Entanglement: (Extended Abstract)
d Abstract) James Aspnes , Joan Feigenbaum , Aleksandr Yampolskiy † , and Sheng Zhong ‡ Department of Computer Science, Yale University, New Haven CT 06520-8285, USA Abstract. We give a formal model for systems that store data in entangled form. We propose a new notion of entanglement, called all-ornothing integrity (AONI) that binds the users’ data in a way that makes it hard to corrupt the data of any one user without corrupting the data of all users. AONI can be a useful defense against negligent or dishonest storage providers who might otherwise be tempted to discard documents belonging to users without much clout. We show that, if all users use the standard recovery algorithm, we can implement AONI using a MAC, but, if some of the users adopt the adversary’s non-standard recovery algorithm, AONI can no longer be achieved. However, even for the latter scenario, we describe a simple entangling mechanism that provides AONI for a restricted class of destructive adversaries.
James Aspnes, Joan Feigenbaum, Aleksandr Yampolski
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors James Aspnes, Joan Feigenbaum, Aleksandr Yampolskiy, Sheng Zhong
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