Spoken multimodal dialogue systems in which users address faceonly or embodied interface agents have been gaining ground in research for some time. Although most systems are still strictly taskoriented, the field is now moving towards domain-oriented systems and real conversational systems which are no longer defined in terms of the task(s) they support. This paper describes the first running prototype of such a system which enables spoken and gesture interaction with life-like fairytale author Hans Christian Andersen about his fairytales, life, study, etc., focusing on multimodal conversation. We then present recent user test evaluation results on multimodal conversation. Categories and Subject Descriptors H5.1 [Information Systems]: Multimedia Information Systems – animations; artificial, augmented, and virtual realities; audio input/output; evaluation/methodology. H5.2 [Information Systems]: User Interfaces – evaluation/methodology; graphical user interfaces; natural language; ...