

Natural Language Requirements Analysis and Class Model Generation Using UCDA

14 years 5 months ago
Natural Language Requirements Analysis and Class Model Generation Using UCDA
This paper presents a methodology to automate natural language requirements analysis and class model generation based on the Rational Unified Process (RUP). Use-case language schemas are proposed to reduce complexity and vagueness of natural language. Some rules are identified and used to automate class model generation from use-case specifications. A CASE tool named Use-Case driven Development Assistant (UCDA) is implemented to support the methodology. UCDA can assist the developer to generate use-case diagrams, use-case specifications, robustness diagrams, collaboration diagrams and class diagrams in IBM Rational Rose. It helps accelerate requirements analysis and class modeling, and reduce the time to market in software development.
Dong Liu, Kalaivani Subramaniam, Armin Eberlein, B
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Dong Liu, Kalaivani Subramaniam, Armin Eberlein, Behrouz Homayoun Far
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