

Spatial scalability and compression efficiency within a flexible motion compensated 3D-DWT

15 years 3 months ago
Spatial scalability and compression efficiency within a flexible motion compensated 3D-DWT
We investigate the implications of the conventional "t+2D" MC 3D-DWT structure for spatial scalability, and propose a more exible "2D+t+2D" structure. An initial levels of spatial wavelet decomposition are followed by levels of motion compensated temporal decomposition, applied separately to each spatial resolution level. A further ? levels of spatial decomposition are applied to the resulting subbands. By adjusting , the structure allows us to trade energy compaction with the potential for artifacts at reduced spatial resolutions. This allows us to study the interaction between scalability and compression efciency. We show that the "t+2D" structure ( = 0) necessarily maximizes compression efciency, while allowing misaligned spatial aliasing artifacts to arise at reduced resolutions. These artifacts can be removed by increasing the value of , at an inevitable cost in compression efciency. We show how this cost can be minimized.
Nagita Mehrseresht, David Taubman
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 24 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICIP
Authors Nagita Mehrseresht, David Taubman
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