

Semantic Location Modeling for Location Navigation in Mobile Environment

14 years 5 months ago
Semantic Location Modeling for Location Navigation in Mobile Environment
Location-based applications require a well-formed representation of spatial knowledge. Current location models can be classified into symbolic or geometric models. The former attempts to represent logical entities and their semantics, but requires a large amount of manual effort for describing them. On the other hand, the latter represents the geometric coordinates but not the semantics. In this paper, we present a semantic location model which preserves topology and distance semantics to support location navigation but at the same time facilitates programmatic model construction and maintenance. The model is based on a sound location theory. It is mainly composed of two hierarchies: a location hierarchy and an exit hierarchy, which can be derived from spatial maps, such as floor plans, without manual intervention. Through a series of model construction algorithms and a real example, we show that our model is simple but powerful enough to capture spatial connectivity and hierarchica...
Haibo Hu, Dik Lun Lee
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where MDM
Authors Haibo Hu, Dik Lun Lee
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