

A Prototype for Remote Vehicle Diagnostics

14 years 5 months ago
A Prototype for Remote Vehicle Diagnostics
Abstract. The field of Remote Vehicle Diagnostics can be described as the remote management of vehicles equipped with electronic control systems. Despite the great potential that is ascribed Remote Vehicle Diagnostics there are few practical applications that address the needs of end-users. This paper asks how service mechanics remotely can get detailed vehicle data when the driver is concerned about the vehicle’s behaviour, or the vehicle’s internal control system detects an error. We describe a prototype that enables service mechanics to remotely receive notifications of vehicle diagnostics trouble codes, read realtime usage parameters, and periodic log parameters according to specified rules and filters. The paper concludes with a future outlook on how the architecture can support new kinds of services. 1 Vehicle Electronics In the automotive industry companies show an increasing interest in Remote Vehicle Diagnostics (RVD). RVD is the remote access, diagnosis and software updat...
Jonas Kuschel, Henrik Fagrell, Carl Johan Andersso
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where MHCI
Authors Jonas Kuschel, Henrik Fagrell, Carl Johan Andersson
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