

Audio-Assisted Video Browsing for DVD Recorders

14 years 8 months ago
Audio-Assisted Video Browsing for DVD Recorders
We present an audio-assisted video browsing system for a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) enhanced DVD recorder. We focus on our sports highlights extraction based on audio classification. We have systematically established that sports highlights are indicated by the presence of audience reaction such as cheering, applause and the commentator´s excited speech. That enables us to develop a common highlights extraction technique, based on detection of audience reaction, for five different sports, viz. soccer, baseball, golf, sumo wrestling and horseracing. Our extraction accuracy is high. Furthermore, the percentage duration of the audience reaction gives us a simple importance measure for each of the highlights. We can then get a summary of any desired length by appropriately choosing a threshold for the importance measure. We process the AC-3 audio directory thereby enabling simple integration of our technique into our target platform. IEEE PCM Conference 2004 This work may not be copied or r...
Ajay Divakaran, Isao Otsuka, Regunathan Radhakrish
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where PCM
Authors Ajay Divakaran, Isao Otsuka, Regunathan Radhakrishnan, Kazuhiko Nakane, Masaharu Ogawa
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