

Reach-Through-the-Screen: A New Metaphor for Remote Collaboration

14 years 8 months ago
Reach-Through-the-Screen: A New Metaphor for Remote Collaboration
For some years, our group at FX Palo Alto Laboratory has been developing technologies to support meeting recording, collaboration, and videoconferencing. This paper presents several systems that use video as an active interface, allowing remote devices and information to be accessed “through the screen.” For example, SPEC enables collaborative and automatic camera control through an active video window. The NoteLook system allows a user to grab an image from a computer display, annotate it with digital ink, then drag it to that or a different display. The ePIC system facilitates natural control of multi-display and multi-device presentation spaces, while the iLight system allows remote users to “draw” with light on a local object. All our systems serve as platforms for researching more sophisticated algorithms to support additional functionality and ease of use.
Jonathan Foote, Qiong Liu, Don Kimber, Patrick Chi
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where PCM
Authors Jonathan Foote, Qiong Liu, Don Kimber, Patrick Chiu, Frank Zhao
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