

A Visual Demonstration of Convergence Properties of Cooperative Coevolution

14 years 8 months ago
A Visual Demonstration of Convergence Properties of Cooperative Coevolution
Abstract. We introduce a model for cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (CCEAs) using partial mixing, which allows us to compute the expected long-run convergence of such algorithms when individuals’ fitness is based on the maximum payoff of some N evaluations with partners chosen at random from the other population. Using this model, we devise novel visualization mechanisms to attempt to qualitatively explain a difficult-to-conceptualize pathology in CCEAs: the tendency for them to converge to suboptimal Nash equilibria. We further demonstrate visually how increasing the size of N, or biasing the fitness to include an ideal-collaboration factor, both improve the likelihood of optimal convergence, and under which initial population configurations they are not much help.
Liviu Panait, R. Paul Wiegand, Sean Luke
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where PPSN
Authors Liviu Panait, R. Paul Wiegand, Sean Luke
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