

Simulating Photon Mapping for Real-time Applications

14 years 7 months ago
Simulating Photon Mapping for Real-time Applications
This paper introduces a novel method for simulating photon mapping for real-time applications. First we introduce a new method for selectively redistributing photons. Then we describe a method for selectively updating the indirect illumination. The indirect illumination is calculated using a new GPU accelerated final gathering method and the illumination is then stored in light maps. Caustic photons are traced on the CPU and then drawn using points in the framebuffer, and finally filtered using the GPU. Both diffuse and non-diffuse surfaces can be handled by calculating the direct illumination on the GPU and the photon tracing on the CPU. We achieve real-time frame rates for dynamic scenes.
Bent Dalgaard Larsen, Niels Jørgen Christen
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where RT
Authors Bent Dalgaard Larsen, Niels Jørgen Christensen
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