

Light Space Perspective Shadow Maps

14 years 8 months ago
Light Space Perspective Shadow Maps
In this paper, we present a new shadow mapping technique that improves upon the quality of perspective and uniform shadow maps. Our technique uses a perspective transform specified in light space which allows treating all lights as directional lights and does not change the direction of the light sources. This gives all the benefits of the perspective mapping but avoids the problems inherent in perspective shadow mapping like singularities in post-perspective space, missed shadow casters etc. Furthermore, we show that both uniform and perspective shadow maps distribute the perspective aliasing error that occurs in shadow mapping unequally over the available depth range. We therefore propose a transform that equalizes this error and gives equally pleasing results for near and far viewing distances. Our method is simple to implement, requires no scene analysis and is therefore as fast as uniform shadow mapping. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): J.7.6 [Computer...
Michael Wimmer, Daniel Scherzer, Werner Purgathofe
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where RT
Authors Michael Wimmer, Daniel Scherzer, Werner Purgathofer
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