

A multi faceted recommendation approach for explorative video retrieval tasks

14 years 7 months ago
A multi faceted recommendation approach for explorative video retrieval tasks
In this paper we examine the use of multi faceted recommendations to aid users while carrying out exploratory video retrieval tasks. These recommendations are integrated into ViGOR (Video Grouping, Organisation and Retrieval), a system which employs grouping techniques to facilitate video retrieval tasks. Two types of recommendations based on past usage history are utilised, the first attempts to couple the multi-faceted nature of explorative video retrieval tasks with the current user interests in order to provide global recommendations, while the second exploits the organisational features of ViGOR in order to provide recommendations based on a specific aspect of the user’s task.
David Vallet, Martin Halvey, David Hannah, Joemon
Added 03 Jul 2010
Updated 03 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where IUI
Authors David Vallet, Martin Halvey, David Hannah, Joemon M. Jose
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