

Approximate Entropy Based Pulse Variability Analysis

14 years 6 months ago
Approximate Entropy Based Pulse Variability Analysis
The dynamical analysis of pulse variability gives new insight into researches of cardiovascular system’s dynamics. Firstly, long-term pulse variability analysis for the researches on cardiovascular system was proposed. Secondly, approximate entropy was applied to analyze three groups of long-term pulse waveform’s variabilities and we found that the pulses’ approximate entropies of patients with cardiovascular disease preferred to smaller value and less irregularity. What’s more, the pulse variability of the patient with pacemaker newly implanted was also studied. Finally, the pulse variability’s clinical value for cardiovascular system was concluded. Keywords- Pulse variability, Approximate entropy, Cardiovascular system
Kuanquan Wang, Lisheng Xu, Zhenguo Li, David Zhang
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CBMS
Authors Kuanquan Wang, Lisheng Xu, Zhenguo Li, David Zhang, Naimin Li, Shuying Wang
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