

Efficient Compression from Non-ergodic Sources with Genetic Algorithms

14 years 8 months ago
Efficient Compression from Non-ergodic Sources with Genetic Algorithms
Several lossless data compression schemes have been proposed over the past years. Since Shannon developed information theory in his seminal paper, however, the problem of data compression has hinged (even though not always explicitly) on the consideration of an ergodic source. In dealing with such sources one has to cope with the problem of defining a priori the minimum sized symbol. The designer, therefore, is faced with the necessity of choosing beforehand the characteristics of the basic underlying element with which he or she is to attempt data compression. In this paper we address the problem of finding the characteristics of the basic symbols to consider in information treatment without assuming the form of such symbols in the data source. In so doing we expect to achieve a pseudo-ergodic behavior of the source. Then we are able to exploit the characteristics of such sources. Finding the basic elements (which we call “metasymbols”) is a complex (NP complete) optimization tas...
Angel Fernando Kuri Morales
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ENC
Authors Angel Fernando Kuri Morales
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