

A custom FPGA for the simulation of gene regulatory networks

14 years 7 months ago
A custom FPGA for the simulation of gene regulatory networks
We present a unique FPGA that uses a mix of digital and large-signal analog computation for the simulation of gene regulatory networks. The prototype IC consists of a 4x5 array of configurable logic blocks along with programmable interconnect. It can simulate a network of pathways involving up to 20 genes and their associated proteins. The circuit design takes advantage of a number of analogies between CMOS circuits and gene networks. For example, a capacitor charge is used to represent a protein concentration, currents represent protein production, and a transistor switch network is used to compute the influences of activator and repressor proteins on gene expression. A simulation shows how the chip can predict oscillatory behavior in a particular well-known three-gene system. Categories and Subject Descriptors B.7.0 [Hardware]: Integrated Circuits—General General Terms Design,Experimentation Keywords Gene regulatory networks, custom mixed signal FPGA, genetic pathways
Ilias Tagkopoulos, Charles A. Zukowski, German Cav
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Ilias Tagkopoulos, Charles A. Zukowski, German Cavelier, Dimitris Anastassiou
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