

Rate-distortion optimized on-demand media streaming with server diversity

15 years 3 months ago
Rate-distortion optimized on-demand media streaming with server diversity
This paper studies the streaming of packetized media from multiple servers to a client over a lossy network. In particular, we propose a client-driven rate-distortion optimal packet scheduling algorithm that decides which packet(s) to be requested from which server(s) at a given request opportunity. In doing so, the proposed scheduling algorithm not only attains the maximal presentation quality but also conforms to the rate constraints dictated by the flow, window and congestion control mechanisms. The simulation results clearly demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm over the single-server rate-distortion optimized streaming.
Ali C. Begen, Yucel Altunbasak, Mehmet A. Begen
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 24 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICIP
Authors Ali C. Begen, Yucel Altunbasak, Mehmet A. Begen
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