

On the Rayleigh nature of Gabor filter outputs

15 years 3 months ago
On the Rayleigh nature of Gabor filter outputs
Texture has been recognized as an important visual primitive in image analysis. A widely used texture descriptor, which is part of the MPEG-7 standard, is that computed using multiscale Gabor filters. The high dimensionality and computational complexity of this descriptor adversely affect the efficiency of content-based retrieval systems. We propose a modified texture descriptor that has comparable performance, but with nearly half the dimensionality and less computational expense. This gain is based on a claim that the distribution of (absolute values of) filter outputs have a strong tendency to be Rayleigh. Experimental results show that the dimensionality can be reduced by almost 50%, with a tradeoff of less than 3% on the error rate. Furthermore, it is easy to compute the new feature using the old one, without having to repeat the computationally expensive filtering step. We also propose a new normalization method that improves similarity retrieval and indexing efficiency.
Sitaram Bhagavathy, Jelena Tesic, B. S. Manjunath
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICIP
Authors Sitaram Bhagavathy, Jelena Tesic, B. S. Manjunath
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