

Segmentation of Bangla Unconstrained Handwritten Text

14 years 7 months ago
Segmentation of Bangla Unconstrained Handwritten Text
To take care of variability involved in the writing style of different individuals in this paper we propose a robust scheme to segment unconstrained handwritten Bangla texts into lines, words and characters. For line segmentation, at first, we divide the text into vertical stripes. Stripe width of a document is computed by statistical analysis of the text height in the document. Next we determine horizontal histogram of these stripes and the relationship of the minimal values of the histograms is used to segment text lines. Based on vertical projection profile lines are segmented into words. Segmentation of characters from handwritten word is very tricky as the characters are seldom vertically separable. We use a concept based on water reservoir principle for the purpose. Here we, at first, identify isolated and connected (touching) characters in a word. Next touching characters of the word are segmented based on the reservoir base area points and structural feature of the component.
U. Pal, Sagarika Datta
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors U. Pal, Sagarika Datta
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