

Identifying Markov Blankets with Decision Tree Induction

14 years 7 months ago
Identifying Markov Blankets with Decision Tree Induction
The Markov Blanket of a target variable is the minimum conditioning set of variables that makes the target independent of all other variables. Markov Blankets inform feature selection, aid in causal discovery and serve as a basis for scalable methods of constructing Bayesian networks. This paper applies decision tree induction to the task of Markov Blanket identification. Notably, we compare (a) C5.0, a widely used algorithm for decision rule induction, (b) C5C, which postprocesses C5.0’s rule set to retain the most frequently referenced variables and (c) PC, a standard method for Bayesian Network induction. C5C performs as well as or better than C5.0 and PC across a number of data sets. Our modest variation of an inexpensive, accurate, off-theshelf induction engine mitigates the need for specialized procedures, and establishes baseline performance against which specialized algorithms can be compared.
Lewis Frey, Douglas H. Fisher, Ioannis Tsamardinos
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICDM
Authors Lewis Frey, Douglas H. Fisher, Ioannis Tsamardinos, Constantin F. Aliferis, Alexander R. Statnikov
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