In this paper, we propose a priority-based balanced routing scheme, called the priority STAR routing scheme, which leads to optimal throughput and average delay at the same time for random broadcastingand routing. In particular, the average reception delay for random broadcasting required in n1 n2 ¡ ¡ ¡ nd tori with ni ¢ O £ 1¤ , n-ary d-cubes with n ¢ O £ 1¤ , or d-dimensional hypercubes is O £ d ¥ 1 1¦ ρ ¤ . We also study the case where multiple communication tasks for random 1-1 routing and/or random broadcasting are executed at the same time. When a constant fraction of the traffic is contributed by broadcast requests, the average delay for random 1-1 routing required in any d-dimensional hypercube, any n-ary d-cube with n ¢ O £ 1¤ , and most n1 n2 ¡ ¡ ¡ nd tori with ni ¢ O £ 1¤ are O £ d¤ based on priority STAR. Our simulation results show that the priority-based balanced routing scheme considerably outperform the best previous routing ...
Chi-Hsiang Yeh, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos, Abdelhami