

Modelling of the human paralysed lower limb under FES

14 years 8 months ago
Modelling of the human paralysed lower limb under FES
— The new generation of implanted neuroprostheses allows muscles to be controlled with fine accuracy, high selectivity and the repeatability of the muscle’s response can be achieved. Thus, the closed loop control of such systems becomes possible. The SUAW project succeeded in the implantation of an advanced neuroprosthetic device on two patients, but the movement generation remains open loop and is tuned empirically. Nevertheless, the good results obtained give us the opportunity to envisage the system evolves towards closed loop control and automatic synthesis of the stimulation patterns generating the desired movement. To achieve this goal, some preliminary researches have to be carried out, beginning with a specific modelling that can be used in the context of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). The main issues concern muscle modelling including the interaction with the skeleton, fatigue, FES parameters as inputs, and the identification of dynamic parameters, and afterwards...
David Guiraud, Philippe Poignet, Pierre-Brice Wieb
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICRA
Authors David Guiraud, Philippe Poignet, Pierre-Brice Wieber, Hassan El Maksoud, François Pierrot, Bernard Brogliato, Philippe Fraisse, Etienne Dombre, Jean-Louis Divoux, Pierre Rabischong
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