

Mixing Semantic Networks and Conceptual Vectors: The Case of Hyperonymy

14 years 8 months ago
Mixing Semantic Networks and Conceptual Vectors: The Case of Hyperonymy
In this paper, we focus on lexical semantics, a key issue in Natural Language Processing (NLP) that tends to converge with conceptual Knowledge Representation (KR) and ontologies. When ontological representation is needed, hyperonymy, the closest approximation to the is-a relation, is at stake. In this paper we describe the principles of our vector model (CVM: Conceptual Vector Model), and show how to account for hyperonymy within the vector-based frame for semantics. We show how hyperonymy diverges from is-a and what measures are more accurate for hyperonymy representation. Our demonstration results in initiating a ’cooperation’ process between semantic networks and conceptual vectors. Text automatic rewriting or enhancing, ontology mapping with natural language expressions, are examples of applications that can be derived from the functions we
Violaine Prince, Mathieu Lafourcade
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Violaine Prince, Mathieu Lafourcade
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