

Performance Modeling for Entity-Level Simulations

14 years 8 months ago
Performance Modeling for Entity-Level Simulations
Advances across many fields of study are driving changes in the basic nature of scientific computing applications. Scientists have recognized a growing need to study phenomena by explicitly modeling interactions among individual entities, rather than by simply modeling approximate collective behavior. This entity-level approach has emerged as a promising new direction in a number of scientific fields. One of the challenges inhibiting the entity-level approach is the substantial resource requirements it entails. Unfortunately, such applications exhibit characteristics and behaviors which render traditional parallel computing techniques ineffective. Well-defined methodologies for achieving scalable performance on distributed computing platforms are needed. As an important first step, we present an application model for entity-level applications, and we instantiate it for a case-study immunology application. Our experiments confirm that this model tracks application performance tr...
Alan Su, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where IPPS
Authors Alan Su, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova
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