

Development of QoS Signaling Protocols in the Internet

14 years 8 months ago
Development of QoS Signaling Protocols in the Internet
— QoS signaling protocol is one of the key components in Internet QoS architectures to establish, maintain, and remove reservation states in network nodes. This paper gives an overview of the recent efforts underway on next steps in QoS signaling protocols, namely RSVP extensions with mobility support, QoSconditionalized handoff protocol, the layered architecture RSVP Lite and the Cross-Application Signaling Protocol (CASP). These efforts address main issues with existing approaches differently : modularity, complexity and mobility support, with a focus on protocol behaviors based on different design principles. The paper also provides pointers to standards effort towards general Internet signaling and other service-specific signaling protocols.
Xiaoming Fu
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where LCN
Authors Xiaoming Fu
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