

An approach to detect video transitions based on mathematical morphology

15 years 2 months ago
An approach to detect video transitions based on mathematical morphology
The video segmentation problem can be regarded as a problem of detecting the fundamental video units (shots). Due to different ways of linking two consecutive shots this task turns out to be difficult. In this work, we propose a method to detect both cuts and gradual transitions by image segmentation tools instead of using dissimilarity measures or mathematical models. Firstly, the video is transformed into a 2D image, called visual rhythm by sub-sampling. Afterwards, we apply image processing tools to detect all vertical aligned transitions in this image. The main operator applied here is the morphological multi-scale gradient. We also present some experimental results.
Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo, Michel Coupr
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICIP
Authors Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo, Michel Couprie, Neucimar Jerônimo Leite, Silvio Jamil Ferzoli Guimarães
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