

PayCash: a secure efficient Internet payment system

14 years 8 months ago
PayCash: a secure efficient Internet payment system
This paper describes PayCash, an Internet payment system that was designed to offer strong security and privacy protection. This system is based on the concept of electronic cash, extended to support a flexible anonymity policy so as to accommodate privacy and security laws that differ from nation to nation. PayCash includes novel techniques to generate trustworthy records of all transactions, making it possible to detect many forms of fraud. This system also allows users to send a variable number of “electronic coins” in a single message, so both large and small amounts of money can be transferred efficiently. Categories and Subject Descriptors J.1 [Administrative Data Processing]: Business, Financial. E.3 [Data Encryption] Public key cryptosystems General Terms Algorithms, Design, Security, Theory, Legal Aspects. Keywords Payment System, Electronic Cash, Privacy, Security.
Jon M. Peha, Ildar M. Khamitov
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Jon M. Peha, Ildar M. Khamitov
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