We describe a method for producing a smooth, stabilized
video from the shaky input of a hand-held light field video camera—
specifically, a small camera array. Traditional stabilization
techniques dampen shake with 2D warps, and thus have
limited ability to stabilize a significantly shaky camera motion
through a 3D scene. Other recent stabilization techniques synthesize
novel views as they would have been seen along a virtual,
smooth 3D camera path, but are limited to static scenes.
We show that video camera arrays enable much more powerful
video stabilization, since they allow changes in viewpoint
for a single time instant. Furthermore, we point out that the
straightforward approach to light field video stabilization requires
computing structure-from-motion, which can be brittle
for typical consumer-level video of general dynamic scenes.
We present a more robust approach that avoids input camera
path reconstruction. Instead, we employ a spacetime optimization
that di...
Brandon M. Smith, Li Zhang, Hailin Jin, Aseem Agar