

Generation of interactive multi-level video summaries

14 years 8 months ago
Generation of interactive multi-level video summaries
In this paper, we describe how a detail-on-demand representation for interactive video is used in video summarization. Our approach automatically generates a hypervideo composed of multiple video summary levels and navigational links between these summaries and the original video. Viewers may interactively select the amount of detail they see, access more detailed summaries, and navigate to the source video through the summary. We created a representation for interactive video that supports a wide range of interactive video applications and Hyper-Hitchcock, an editor and player for this type of interactive video. Hyper-Hitchcock employs methods to determine (1) the number and length of levels in the hypervideo summary, (2) the video clips for each level in the hypervideo, (3) the grouping of clips into composites, and (4) the links between elements in the summary. These decisions are based on an inferred quality of video segments and temporal relations those segments. Categories and S...
Frank M. Shipman III, Andreas Girgensohn, Lynn Wil
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where MM
Authors Frank M. Shipman III, Andreas Girgensohn, Lynn Wilcox
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