

Predicting whole-program locality through reuse distance analysis

14 years 5 months ago
Predicting whole-program locality through reuse distance analysis
Profiling can accurately analyze program behavior for select data inputs. We show that profiling can also predict program locality for inputs other than profiled ones. Here locality is defined by the distance of data reuse. Studying whole-program data reuse may reveal global patterns not apparent in short-distance reuses or local control flow. However, the analysis must meet two requirements to be useful. The first is efficiency. It needs to analyze all accesses to all data elements in full-size benchmarks and to measure distance of any length and in any required precision. The second is predication. Based on a few training runs, it needs to classify patterns as regular and irregular and, for regular ones, it should predict their (changing) behavior for other inputs. In this paper, we show that these goals are attainable through three techniques: approximate analysis of reuse distance (originally called LRU stack distance), pattern recognition, and distance-based sampling. When...
Chen Ding, Yutao Zhong
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where PLDI
Authors Chen Ding, Yutao Zhong
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