

An Adaptive Three-Dimensional DCT Compression Based on Motion Analysis

14 years 8 months ago
An Adaptive Three-Dimensional DCT Compression Based on Motion Analysis
In this paper, we propose an adaptive 3D-DCT compression technique, which dynamically determines an optimal size of the video cube based on the motion analysis. The technique consists of two steps: (a) it analyses the motion within a small (16x16) video cube of eight successive frames, and (b) it selects the size of the cube based on the motion analysis and applies the 3D-DCT algorithm on the selected video cube. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is illustrated by implementing it to a number of video sequences with low, medium, and high motion. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.4.2 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: Compression (Coding). General Terms Algorithms, Design, Experimentation. Keywords Video compression, three-dimensional DCT, adaptive block size, motion analysis.
Borko Furht, Ken Gustafson, Hesong Huang, Oge Marq
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where SAC
Authors Borko Furht, Ken Gustafson, Hesong Huang, Oge Marques
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