

A Dynamic Data/Currency Protocol for Mobile Database Design and Reconfiguration

14 years 8 months ago
A Dynamic Data/Currency Protocol for Mobile Database Design and Reconfiguration
This paper presents flexible protocols for dynamic database design and reconfiguration, enabling mobile database to be designed in such a way that data location, replication and even use semantics can be changed dynamically. In particular, a dual data/currency hoarding and synchronization protocol, a metadata protocol and currency redistribution protocol are proposed. Metadata records the changing characteristics of replicas and currencies are dynamically redistributed to fit the target. Primaries may be diluted, concentrated and transferred in the system. Traditional distributed database is included as home of data. An ad-hoc database may check out its desired data/currency and check them back in when they are no longer accessed by the mobile users. We demonstrate that the flexibility of this approach can significantly improve commit performance under dynamic access and mobility behavior. Keywords Mobile database, Hoarding and synchronization, Metadata, Dynamic currency redistributio...
Yanli Xia, Abdelsalam Helal
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where SAC
Authors Yanli Xia, Abdelsalam Helal
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