

Location-based pairwise key establishments for static sensor networks

14 years 5 months ago
Location-based pairwise key establishments for static sensor networks
Sensor networks are ideal candidates for applications such as target tracking and environment monitoring. Security in sensor networks is critical when there are potential adversaries. Establishment of pairwise keys is a fundamental security service, which forms the basis of other security services such as authentication and encryption. However, establishing pairwise keys in sensor networks is not a trivial task, particularly due to the resource constraints on sensors. This paper presents several techniques for establishing pairwise keys in static sensor networks. These techniques take advantage of the observation that in static sensor networks, although it is difficult to precisely pinpoint sensors’ positions, it is often possible to approximately determine their locations. This paper presents a simple location-aware deployment model, and develops two pairwise key predistribution schemes, a closest pairwise keys predistribution scheme and a location-based pairwise keys scheme using...
Donggang Liu, Peng Ning
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where SASN
Authors Donggang Liu, Peng Ning
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